
a bit of r and r

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

perusing the new toy

g'day hearsefans, had the new recruit out the other day, the more i look at this one the more i like, but what's not to like about a hearse. outside of a few colour changes in her career and an updated front she is lovely, a fairly common practice with funeral directors as the cost of a new hearse is pretty scary to a small business, they do an update to their older hearse to make it look more modern so they change the front panels, wheels etc to make them look like the latest model. as the rest of the hearse is usually in good condition it's a cost effective alternative to a new one, she was black at one stage and i wish she still was but hearseboy likes the white, the jury is still out as far as naming goes but ladyhearse likes casper which i'm not that keen on as she doesn't seem to be that haunted, but being parked next to bluey that might change. till next time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

g'day hearsefans, had the ol munro out the other day for a run and took some shots, after 2 years of work it's nice to see it nearing completion. unlike hearses it's just an inanimate object with no soul [or souls] so to speak but it's one of the few [normal] cars i like these days but i've been playing with monaros for 25 years or so, i guess they have become a bit of a habit. so heres the progress shot as promised and i'll put up a finished shot when it's done. till next time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

lenny gets a run

g'day hearsefans, as i said before when these cars want your attention they will let you know, as the sun came up on saturday morning i found myself being pulled to big lenny's shed, as i've said before lenny really enjoys retirement and likes being left alone but for some reason she was calling me . i had other plans for the day but lenny had other ideas so off came the covers and in went the keys, now normally lenny is very cranky when awakened from her slumber but she fired straight up and sat there idling beautifully so a drive was in order, unfortunately the sky was starting to cloud over and rain was imminent so we were not going too far as i won't let a drop of rain get on my cars. as is always the case ladyhearse and hearseboy erupted from the house but lenny is a 2 seater so a coin toss was in order and ladyhearse won. intending to just go around the block instead we find ourselves at laidley cemetery, it's a nice place to visit but it was lenny's first visit there and she really enjoyed the outing as she ran absolutely perfect all the way which for her is unusual as she's usually pretty cranky. so a very pleasant morning was had by all except for hearseboy who missed out on a run, he's been getting into the latest addition and gave her an oil and filter change today so when this weather clears up we'll get her out for some more shots. till next time.