g'day hearsefans, finally got a spare moment so i'll jump on here for a minute, well halloween came and went with barely a whimper, bluey put her hand up for a cruise so out we went, first point of call was our local town of laidley which was as dead as a nit so after a run around there and unnerving what locals were out and about we headed for big bad ipswich. it wasn't too much better in there either but bluey made a big impression as usual getting a few admiring looks and many terrified looks which i guess is the essence of halloween. australia doesn't seem to be embracing halloween in a big way which i guess in some way is a good thing as it's just another marketing ploy to milk more money out of us and trying to americanise us even more, even our resident spirits weren't interested and didn't appear for photo time which is very unusual for them not an orb in sight, so funnily enough the one night of the year which is supposed to have the most spirit activity had the least. then again they may have had a convention on somewhere where we weren't invited due to being alive and all that. any way back to hearses, there has been some stunners on ebay, there is a couple of cadillacs on there which i'd love to add to the collection but i couldn't find any takers for christine so i just have to window shop for now, but i'm not too worried as i'm very happy with the ones i have now, bluey and lenny are a pretty tough act to follow so i can't ever see anything topping them but getting a new toy is always fun. till next time.