g'day hearsefans, well the crap weather continues and just keeps getting worse, i hope the floods havn't hit you all too hard. well i'm happy to report hearse house survived relatively intact except for a bit of run off storm water damage but all the important stuff [ hearses ] got out of it well considering were not far from grantham which got absolutely hammered. we ended up being on an island with no way in or out in any direction and no internet or phone, even the local radio station went down but if you heard our local radio station you might say that was a bonus. the last time i managed to get one of the toys out was a break in the weather a couple of nights before christmas so seeing as spook hadn't had a go for a while i unwrapped her and we went for a look at the christmas lights leaving a very jealous bluey seething under her covers. now to us seeing a hearse pull up in front of our house is a normal event but i suppose to the rest of the population it probably isnt so we were met with mainly horrified responses, so the sight of spook rumbling down quiet festively lit streets was too much for some and resulted in many bolting inside and in some cases even turning the lights off so we would go away. now i didn't take offence to this as it actually appealed to my awful sense of humour but i did feel sorry for the spirits as just because they are no longer alive doesn't mean they don't still enjoy the festive season but a good night was still had by most [ just not a few light display owners, he he]. lenny needed a bit of a look at as i couldn't get her out but was being called to start her up anyway just to give the engine a quick run, we noticed a rather unhealthy noise coming from the front of the engine, a closer inspection revealed the harmonic balancer had crapped itself so i'm currently in the process of sorting that out but as i've said before they let you know when they want your attention. [ which in bluey's case is all the time ]. till next time.